
Parent Teacher Committee
Upcoming PTC meetings: September 18th 6:30-7:30 pm
Join us in person in the school library or vitually with link in Griffin Gazette.
The Parent Teacher Committee (PTC) is an excellent way to get involved at Frederick Classical Charter School and complete the expected 15-20 hours of volunteer work. The PTC coordinates and supports a variety of volunteer efforts for the school including, but not limited to, classroom volunteering, social events, communications, yearbook production, library management, field trips, and staff appreciation efforts.
The PTC holds monthly meetings to coordinate upcoming volunteer needs and share ideas. All parents are encouraged to attend the meetings and help the school.
PTC Leadership
Vice Chair: Denise Olivero,
Secretary: Laura Summers, ptc.secretary@frederickclassicalcharterschoolorg
PTC Sub-Committees
Library - responsible for the maintenance, procurement, and expansion of the library collection; volunteers check in/out materials to staff & students, repair books, assist with book fairs
Lead: Salimeh Khaleeli,
Social - plans and implements social events throughout the year, such as picnics, Trunk or Treat, International Day
Lead: Salimeh Khaleeli,
3. Volunteer - responsible for organizing volunteers for onsite volunteer work, such as copy workstation, lunchroom duty, and staff meals
Lead: Tammy Van Orden,
4. Yearbook - responsible for publishing the annual yearbook including managing the photography, writing, and financing of this effort
Lead: Tatiana Burrier,
Grade Level Liaisons (GL)
Liaisons help to facilitate and encourage community connection among each grade level. They will also reach out to share volunteer opportunities within FCCS. The liaisons are available as mentors to families and can answer questions surrounding life at FCCS (i.e., homework, uniforms, and procedures related to school). However, if an urgent issue arises, please contact the school directly.