
Board Meetings

Upcoming Board of Trustee meetings:

Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Highlights

Governance Panel Slides

Maryland Blueprint Funding— Potential Impact on FCCS:

Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Highlights

BOT Meeting Info

  • Board meetings are typically held on the first Monday of the month, unless otherwise stated.

    Meetings are held virtually.

    Video call link:

    Or dial: ‪(US) +1 347-450-6966‬ PIN: ‪855 627 952‬#

    More phone numbers:

  • BOT meetings are open to the public and all members of FCCS, Inc. are encouraged to regularly attend. The Board members may meet in a closed session to discuss confidential matters, in accordance with the Open Meetings Act (OMA).

  • The BOT meeting dates and times will be on the school calendar and in the weekly Griffin Gazette newsletter.

  • The BOT meeting agenda will be available online in the board meeting section, see above and in the Griffin Gazette newsletter.

  • Meeting Highlights are sent to the community within 72 hours. Meeting minutes are approved in the next month’s meeting and posted online in the board meeting section.

  • Members can give public comment at regular public board meetings. Please submit in writing to BOT by 5pm on the day of meeting. Must be present to identify a designee to read on your behalf.
