The Frederick Classical Charter School Board of Trustees (the “Board of Trustees”) encourages individuals to discuss their concerns related to the school and/or Board of Trustees with it, or its members before resorting to a formal or written complaint. However, individuals are not required to do so before filing a formal written complaint in accordance with the following procedures. The Board of Trustees will not retaliate against any person who files a complaint in accordance with these procedures nor will the Board of Trustees retaliate against any person who files a lawsuit and/or complaint in any court or administrative forum against the school and/or the Board of Trustees. To request a 15–30-minute discussion with members of the Board of Trustees, click here.

The complaint procedures outlined below establish how complaints will be investigated and resolved. These procedures are intended to provide for a prompt and equitable resolution of complaints. These complaint procedures may be used by Frederick Classical Charter School (the “School”) employees, School students, parents/guardians of School students, or third parties. These complaint procedures do not bar individuals from filing legal claims in other forums to the extent permitted by state or federal law.

Complaint Procedure:

1.      Within forty-five (45) calendar days of a grievance related to the Board of Trustees, an individual wishing to file a complaint related to the Board of Trustees must submit it in writing and it must include:

·        The Complainant’s contact information – name, address, email address, telephone number.

·        A detailed statement of the complaint including the provision(s) of the Charter School’s Charter, Board of Trustees By-Law, Board of Trustee Policy/Regulation, law, or related policy/regulation that was allegedly violated.

·        Copies of all relevant correspondence, pictures, and other relevant materials (you should maintain copies of all correspondence, pictures, and other materials for your own files)

·        The specific action or relief you are seeking.

·        The signature of the complainant.

·        A complainant may withdraw their complaint at any time. Any such withdraw must be in writing and submitted to (1) the Board of Trustees; and (2) the individual in charge of investigating the complaint.

2.      If the complaint pertains to the Board of Trustees or other person under the jurisdiction/authority of the Board of Trustees, the complaint must be submitted to the Board of Trustees for investigation by the Board’s designee.

3.      Within five (5) school days of the receipt of the complaint, the appropriate individual shall investigate the contents of the complaint. The investigation and all related items shall be confidential.

4.      Within five (5) school days of the conclusion of the investigation, the investigator shall prepare a written report regarding the findings of the investigation. The written report must contain a statement regarding the investigation process, a statement of facts, and a recommended course of action, corrective action plan, and/or proposed resolution of the complaint. A copy of the report will be made available to the parties as appropriate. The report shall be confidential and shall not be disclosed unless required by law or court order.

5.      Within five (5) school days of the finalization of the report, the investigator shall meet and confer with the parties to the complaint to review the report, its findings, and the recommended course of action, corrective action plan, and/or resolution.

6.       Within fifteen (15) school days of meeting and conferring between the investigator of the complaint and the parties to the complaint, any party to the complaint may appeal the decision to the Board of Trustees of Frederick Classical Charter Schools. The contents of the appeal to the Board of Trustees for FCCS Inc. must include the following information:

·        The appellant’s contact information – name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number.

·        A copy of the complaint and/or a detailed statement of the complaint including the provision(s) of the Charter School’s Charter, By-Law, Policy/Regulation, or law that was allegedly violated.

·        What, if any, response you received from the original decision made by Frederick Charter School Board of Trustees and/or Frederick Classical Charter School Administration

·        Copies of all relevant correspondence (you should maintain copies of all correspondence and materials for your own files.)

·        The specific action or relief you are seeking.

·        The signature of the appellant. To encourage discussion and mediation between the parties, the limit to the number of appeals on a decision is one (1).

To file a formal complaint with the Board of Trustees, click here. Written complaints can be submitted to