I will learn the true,
I will do the good,
I will see the beautiful.
Frederick Classical Charter School
Frederick Classical Charter School is a tuition free public charter school located in Frederick County, Maryland that offers a classical education to 376 children in Kindergarten through 8th grade. Our mission is to provide elementary and middle school-aged scholars in with a well-rounded, college-focused instructional program that develops their knowledge, reason, and self-expression.
School Messenger
Register for School Messenger emails and text messages from Head of School and emergency announcements.
Our public Facebook page celebrates school achievements and announcements, while our members-only page offers a space for parents to engage and build community.
If you are not receiving School Messenger emails, please first review your School Messenger settings to ensure you have set up your "Subscription" to include Frederick_Classical_CS and select all types of announcements. Some users have reported that their settings appear to have been reset to a default.
If you require assistance with school communications, please send an email to the Communications Committee at communications@frederickclassicalcharterschool.org
Follow us
For inquires or to suggest additions to the calendar, please email: info@frederickclassicalcharterschool.org
Support our growth
Thank you in advance for supporting our school! Frederick Classical Charter School, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, making your contributions tax-deductible to the full extent allowable by law. Although we receive funding from the Frederick County Public School system, it only covers a standard per-pupil fee. Additional funding is essential to fully realize our school's vision. Contributions to the General Fund support a range of needs, from classroom materials and technology to staffing support and training. This flexible approach allows us to address both small and large expenses effectively. For specific fund designations, please email finance@frederickclassicalcharterschool.org. Despite more demands on its budget than traditional public schools, Frederick Classical consistently ranks as the highest-performing school in the area. Your donation directly impacts our students and helps maintain our exceptional standards of education. Supporting Frederick Classical today is an investment in the future of public education and upholds our legacy of excellence.