5th Grade Prehistoric Cave Paintings

5th Grade Prehistoric Cave Paintings

Research Trumps Philosophy

Our school avoids educational fads that are based on philosophical beliefs, adhering instead to approaches that are supported by mainstream research. In place of the "balanced literacy" approach that often neglects phonemic awareness and phonics, our school uses a research-based reading program that includes systematic and explicit instruction in phonemic awareness and phonics that has been shown to reach the vast majority of children.

In contrast to the prevailing trend in education that derides acquiring substantive knowledge as "rote memorization", our school holds knowledge acquisition in a very high regard. We design instruction around "big ideas" that helps students to understand and organize factual knowledge into a meaningful framework. This framework is built upon year after year as the scholars advance through the classical stages and proceed with their second chronological sweep through history.


Textbook List

English Language Arts:

Wit and Wisdom with Fundations

Our school pairs the Wit and Wisdom program with Fundations to provide a scientifically based reading research (SBRR) program that begins with systematic and explicit phonics instruction and progresses through reading comprehension. Decades of studies have demonstrated this approach enables the highest number of students to achieve literacy proficiency. 5 components of SBRR:

  1. Phonemic Awareness - Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear and manipulate speech sounds.

  2. Phonics - Once students have phonemic awareness, they can begin to connect the sounds (phonemes) to the letters and letter combinations (graphemes) used to spell them.

  3. Vocabulary - Phonics instruction won’t work if students don’t recognize the words they sound out.

  4. Fluency - Fluency is the ability to read well enough so that the student can focus on comprehending the meaning of the passage, not figuring out the words.

  5. Comprehension - Comprehension depends on two main factors: the ability to fluently decode and background knowledge.

Wit and Wisdom - This program from Great Minds, includes opportunities to apply reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills across a variety of tasks designed to grow students’ literacy skills over the course of the year while providing options to differentiate for time where appropriate. The materials provide opportunities for students to build knowledge through content-rich, integrated reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language experiences. Students are supported in growing knowledge and vocabulary as they practice and apply skills in new texts and tasks. **

Fundations - Based on the Wilson Reading System® principles, Wilson Fundations® provides research-based materials and strategies essential to a comprehensive reading, spelling, and handwriting program. 

Wilson Fundations makes learning to read fun while laying the groundwork for life-long literacy. Students in grades K-1 receive a systematic program in critical foundational skills, emphasizing: Phonemic awareness, Phonics/word study, High frequency word study, Reading fluency, Vocabulary, Comprehension strategies, Handwriting, and Spelling.

Although Fundations includes comprehension strategies, it must be combined with a core/literature-based language arts program for an integrated and comprehensive approach to reading and spelling.*

LETRS Training for Teachers

LETRS empowers teachers to understand the whatwhy, and how of scientifically based reading instruction

WHAT: Priority skills focused on phonology, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension must be taught during reading and spelling lessons to obtain the best results for all students.

WHY: Effective reading instruction is complex with several related key components, based on current scientific research.

HOW: Explains spoken and written English language structures to students and how to implement instructional routines, activities, and approaches to differentiate instruction to meet literacy needs for all students.

Reading Instruction Power Point


Singapore Math Standards Edition

Our math program takes the same approach as some of the highest achieving nations in the world: focusing on a smaller number of topics that are taught to mastery, instead of a "mile wide, inch deep" approach that leaves students with weak skills.


Story of the World Grades 1-4

During their tenure at our school, the scholars will take two chronological sweeps throughout history. The first occurs from grades 1 to 4, and the second from grades 5 to 8. The sequence for history is as follows: ancient times, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and modern times. The historic period is integrated across subjects from art and music to science.


Our science program avoids the "inquiry-based" trend in education that over-emphasizes discovery learning. We take a more balanced approach that includes direct instruction, teacher demonstrations, reading books as well as experimentation.


Spanish is currently offered for all students. Latin and Greek are taught as a part of the standard language arts curriculum (prefixes, suffixes, roots, Greek joining forms), and as a separate course.

Science & Humanities Power Point

*Fundations excerpts taken from the Wilson Language Website. **Wit and Wisdom excerpt taken from Ed Reports’ program review